Oakleafe-Claims-WalesOakleafe Claims - Insurance Wales
Oakleafe Claims

A portfolio of services to support Brokers


Claims Management 

Our Broker Shield Plus service is a pre-pay product sold at policy inception or renewal that offers the policyholder a range of services that supports the in both the setting up of their policy and in the even of a claim. We supply you branded documentation for inclusion in the policy pack and a dedicated telephone number with Claimtrack analytics to be able to offer you management data for each policyholder.

 Sold by you, your client can benefit from a graded claims management service up to an agreed value, rebuild valuations to ensure sums insured are accurate and a policy healthcheck service. All of these help you as a broker to set up the policy accurately.

Most Brokers market this claims support service upfront as a VIP product.


Oakleafe offer a free claim service upto the limits of the chosen package to meet the demands of your clients’ insurance claims. We support policyholders immediately from the moment we are notified, which is when they need support, not just after liability is accepted unlike some insurance backed claim solutions.
We aim to get Insurers to accept liability quickly. As part of this we offer complete process management including all meetings, policy interpretation, quantification, and presentation of the claim. Our involvement ensures your clients claim achieves its entitlement through professional representation throughout. After the free claim value is exceeded, we operate on a success fee on a pre-agreed % basis.
Your client has access to all the Professionals that Insurers have on their side such as Surveyors, Business Interruption specialists, Contractors, and Claims Consultants.


As the only RICS accredited loss assessing company in the UK, we can support Brokers and their Policyholders with their building sums insured valuations before renewal or inception. Asking a policyholder to estimate the cost of demolition and rebuilding of the property to modern building regulations is usually beyond their understanding. Remember that no two properties are the same, and the total rebuild costs for every type of building will be different and will vary depending on individual specifications. Calculations can be complex; correct rebuild costs usually equate to more premium as most people undervalue this aspect. This can be rebranded and sold as a product by you. As you know, it is the policyholder's duty to obtain the correct reinstatement values. When they get it wrong, in their eyes, it’s the the Brokers fault for the inadequacies of the policy!


A niche service which involves a visit to each commercial Policyholder. We will survey the property and report on areas of concern with regards to conditions or warranties contained within the insurance policy that places a concern. It is these warranties and conditions that threaten a claims validity if they are not adhered to. This product will educate a policyholder and improve the general understanding of their insured position. It compares policy contractual requirements against actual covered perils at the insured location. It will aid a policyholder or broker at inception or renewal, identifying mid-term improvements which ensures the
policy holder is in a better position to have any claim accepted in full. The associated report will provide recommendations in reducing risk. Policyholders will ultimately benefit from an insurer treating them as a responsible Policy Holder and highlight any problem areas pre-event which may cause a claim to be repudiated or significantly reduced.
24/7 Insurance Claim Helplines

how we can help

Your clients will expect to receive a high-quality claims service from their insurer or broker. We can offer you that.

Through our patented claims outsourcing solution, your clients will receive a dedicated service on their side. We are excellently placed to provide the skills and resources to meet your policy holders claims challenges.



If you have been declined while trying to claim on your domestic or commercial insurance, we can help. We can also help with professional services, for example, Brokers, VAR Valuations and Managing Agents.

We are always on standby to help your clients with any Insurance related problems.
  • Oakleafe Claims - CILAOakleafe Claims - CIIOakleafe Claims - CABEOakleafe Claims - BDMASociety of claims professionals
  • Oakleafe Claims - DEWPOINTOakleafe Claims - CIOBOakleafe Claims - RICSOakleafe Claims - NAPIA
  • Oakleafe Claims - APMOakleafe Claims - CMIOakleafe Claims - IFAAOakleafe Claims - CABE


Deal with the insurance company and their loss adjuster, investigator, surveyor etc.
Organise drying out or decontamination specialists.
Negotiate emergency funding and interim payments.
Calculate complicated Business Interruption losses.
Compile and present the claim to insurers.
Arrange estimates and valuations, and accurately quantify the full extent of the claim.
Fully Independant Insurance Claim Services

