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Oakleafe Claims


Proximate Cause - What is it?

Navigating an insurance claim can be overwhelming, especially when confronted with terms like "proximate cause." This guide aims to explain the concept of proximate cause in insurance, offering clarity for policyholders and those seeking to understand insurance terminology. We'll begin by defining proximate cause and its significance in insurance claims, empowering individuals to navigate the process better. Additionally, we'll provide an example to illustrate how proximate cause influences insurance claims and discuss the advantages of enlisting a loss assessor, such as Oakleafe, to facilitate the claims process effectively.

Proximate cause is a important principle in insurance that identifies the primary cause of an event or loss leading to a claim. Understanding this concept is crucial for policyholders to assess whether their insurance policy covers a specific incident. Simply put, proximate cause identifies the immediate trigger that sets off a chain of events resulting in loss or damage.

Example of Proximate Cause:

If for example a fire erupts in a residential building due to faulty wiring. While the fire causes substantial property damage, the proximate cause might be determined as defective wiring. This distinction is vital as it impacts insurance coverage and liability.
In the UK, proximate cause is assessed using the "substantial factor test," which examines whether the event was a significant factor in causing the resulting loss or damage. Courts analyse the sequence of events leading to the incident to accurately determine the proximate cause.

Determining Proximate Cause:

Proximate cause is determined by evaluating the sequence of events and identifying the predominant cause that led to the loss or damage. This involves analysing direct and indirect factors contributing to the incident, ultimately pinpointing the primary reason.

Benefits of Hiring a Loss Assessor:

Engaging a loss assessor like Oakleafe can substantially benefit policyholders facing insurance claims. Loss assessors are seasoned professionals who advocate for policyholders, ensuring they receive fair and adequate compensation for their losses. Possessing comprehensive knowledge of insurance policies, they adeptly navigate the claims process on behalf of the policyholder. By enlisting a loss assessor's services, policyholders can mitigate the stress and uncertainty associated with insurance claims while maximising their chances of a favourable outcome.


Understanding the proximate cause is crucial for policyholders going through insurance claims. By grasping this concept and its implications, individuals can make informed decisions regarding their insurance coverage and claims process. Hiring a loss assessor like Oakleafe provides invaluable support and expertise, ensuring policyholders receive the compensation they deserve. Policyholders can confidently navigate the claims process with their assistance, knowing they have a knowledgeable advocate.

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