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Am I Covered For Storm Damage On My Home Insurance

Facing storm damage to your property in Wales can be overwhelming. The good news is that, in most cases, you can claim for storm damage on your house insurance. However, you should know the specifics of your policy, as coverage can vary.

Insurance companies have specific criteria to define a 'storm,' often involving wind speed thresholds and other factors like heavy rainfall. The wind speed classified as a storm can differ between policies, so it's essential to check with your insurer.

If your property experiences damage from high winds, heavy rain, or flooding, you can file a claim with your insurance provider. Liability for storm damage typically falls on the property owner, emphasising the importance of maintaining your property and having adequate insurance coverage.

To streamline the claims process and maximize your entitlement, consider the following:

  1. Understand Your Policy: Not all insurance policies are the same. Pay attention to coverage, exclusions, and critical elements such as alternative accommodation, flood risk, wear and tear, and accidental damage.
  2. Protect Your Home: Take preventive measures like securing loose items, clearing gutters, and checking the roof to mitigate potential storm damage.
  3. Document Everything: In the unfortunate event of damage, document it thoroughly. Take photos and keep a detailed record, as this will be crucial when making a claim.
  4. Contact Your Insurance: After the storm, promptly contact your insurance provider to initiate the claim process.

Choosing the right level of cover is essential. Consider factors like the value of your property, the risk of storms in your area, and additional coverage options such as weather-related damage.

What Should I Do If My Home Has Been Flooded or Damaged By A Storm?

  1. Prioritise Safety:
    • Before addressing any damages, ensure your safety and that of your family. In the case of immediate danger, evacuate the premises and find secure shelter.
  2. Evaluate the Damage:
    • After confirming it's safe, assess the damage to your property. Capture photographs or videos to document affected areas, providing valuable evidence when filing an insurance claim.
  3. Contact Your Insurance Company:
    • Swiftly get in touch with your home insurance provider. Inform them about the damage and furnish the necessary information. Timely communication with your insurer is essential for a seamless claims process.
  4. Coordinate Alternative Accommodation:
    • If your home is uninhabitable due to the damage, discuss the potential for alternative accommodation with your insurance provider. Many policies include coverage for temporary housing costs during the restoration period.

Loss assessors play a vital role in the claims process, providing expertise in insurance claims, professional damage assessment, and effective negotiation with insurers. Oakleafe Wales is a trusted loss assessor with a reputation for expert guidance.

In the event of a claim, remember the name Oakleafe Wales for comprehensive support and to ensure you receive the maximum entitlement under your policy. Choosing the right loss assessor can make a significant difference in navigating the complexities of a storm damage claim.

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